Incident Emergency Fund (IEF)

General Information

Please give your submission a title. The title can be related to the incident

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, please enter the name of the organization

If you use GPG email encryption, please share your public key here

To be answered in cases where the applicant is support provider rather than themselves a beneficiary of support

What risks do you face? Describe any relevant incidents (threats, attacks, other security incidents) which have taken place over the previous three months.

Information about the proposed activities
What is needed in order to respond to the emergency situation? *

Please check all relevant boxes

Do you require support from DDP to identify providers of any of the support above? *

Please elaborate

Please note that Incident Emergency Funds have a maximum duration of 4 months

Information about the requested funds
What is the requested budget required for the activities?

Please provide an approximate breakdown of individual costs. Use the budget template provided by downloading from the link above Accepted file types are .doc, .docx, .odp, .ods, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .txt, .xls, .xlsx

Please indicate the amount in EUR or USD

Do you have other sources of funding in addition to DDP for the proposed activities? *

Please indicate the percentage

References - Please provide the names and email addresses of two references that are external to your organisation

[Name] - [Organisation] - [Position/Title]

[Name] - [Organisation] - [Position/Title]

Please include relevant information that has not been asked previously

Additional documents

Please use this field to upload any other documents if applicable Accepted file types are .doc, .docx, .odp, .ods, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .txt, .xls, .xlsx

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